13 apr 2017 | English blog
In the beginning of March I had the opportunity to go to Holland for a few days because of a presentation in a church there. When I booked my ticket I thought how nice it would be to take someone from the country itself with me to a presentation like this. So I...
13 apr 2017 | Nieuwsflits
Begin maart had ik de gelegenheid om voor een paar dagen naar Nederland te gaan in verband met een presentatie in de PKN van Espel. Toen ik mijn ticket boekte bedacht ik hoe leuk het zou zijn om iemand uit het land zelf mee te nemen naar zo’n presentatie. Dus...
5 apr 2017 | English blog
In the beginning of April my American colleague had invited me to come with him to Romania for a couple of days. Hij had got into contact with a Romanian young woman, who gives training to youngsters. We could give some lessons to this group about micro enterprise....
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