Those were quite some hours waiting at the office, but now it ’s official: we have moved! We have our new address cards, new car papers and a parking card, so we can park the car at our new address.

We are living in the city again, and of course we need to get used to everything, but what a nice apartment we have, where everyone is slowly finding his or her own place. Also for the dogs it’s a huge change, since they have to do without a garden. Luckily we have a lot of green around, so in that way we all get some exercise.

I will spare you the details of our move, but it was a huge job and we did it again. Even the piano came up to the first floor through the stairs. It was good that we had to go through all our stuff and put away a lot of things. We are living way smaller now, so it was necessary.

The girls go to school by bike now and are learning the traffic rules in town, which you sometimes have to find out yourself as a bike rider. Bikers are not the most beloved participants in traffic, because not everywhere are bike roads. So sometimes you have to choose between the main road where cars go with 60, or the sidewalk in between the complaining pedestrians.

When we had lived here for a week and Hessel and I went to the international Bible study, we were called by one of our daughters. One was inside, the others were outside in front of the door, that wouldn’t open up anymore. It turned out that the lock was broken, and only after a couple of hours – with a mechanic coming over from afar and an unplanned getting acquainted with the neighbours who helped us – we finally could get in again. Hessel was already there, because he had figured out a way to break into our apartment through the balcony.

The lock has been fixed again and everybody in the family now has his own set of keys to get into the building, the bike shed and the apartment. Hessel and I now have much more freedom to dedicate to the ministry and I don’t have to plan my activities around the school times of the girls anymore. It all needs to fall into place a little, but we are grateful for all the help we got and for the new place that God has given us.